Nuevo programa de diseño equivale a un nuevo proyecto, esta vez diseñaremos un poster para el San Diego Latino Film Festival en el cual buscan un diseño que represente el Cine de América Latina de una manera interesante, pertinente e innovador visualmente, que evita los estereotipos y clichés.
Comenzaré con una investigación y una lluvia de ideas -que es lo que generalmente hago- y una vez que reuna los elementos, ideas necesarias y técnicas en mente y papel, entraré de lleno al proceso de diseño, me emociona cada vez que tengo una idea nueva, no puedo esperar a aplicar lo que he ideado.
Al igual como hicimos con el proyecto de los certificados se votará por los cinco mejores posters y serán enviados a participar al concurso, aquí abajo pondre toda la información.
Poster Competition!
2012 San Diego Latino Film Festival Poster Competition Call for Entries
Calling all Artists and Graphic Designers!
Media Arts Center San Diego is now accepting submissions for
our third annual Film Festival Poster Competition. The deadline for all
submissions is November 18, 2011.
*Click here for Submission Form
Media Arts Center San Diego will be presenting the 19th Annual San Diego Latino Film Festival (SDLFF), March 8-18, 2012. This prestigious and internationally recognized festival celebrates films and videos by Latinos and/or about the Latino experience, screening over 160 works from across Latin America and throughout the United States. For the third year in a row, the Festival is putting a call out to artists and graphic designers for its annual poster artwork. Artists and Designers are encouraged to submit work for the Film Festival Poster Competition by November 18, 2011.
Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
Media Arts Center San Diego will be presenting the 19th Annual San Diego Latino Film Festival (SDLFF), March 8-18, 2012. This prestigious and internationally recognized festival celebrates films and videos by Latinos and/or about the Latino experience, screening over 160 works from across Latin America and throughout the United States. For the third year in a row, the Festival is putting a call out to artists and graphic designers for its annual poster artwork. Artists and Designers are encouraged to submit work for the Film Festival Poster Competition by November 18, 2011.
Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
The competition is open to all artists and graphic designers. All submissions must be received by the deadline of November 18, 2011 at 5:00pm. There is no limit to the number of submissions entered. Entry fee is $10 for up to three submisions. Entries
will be accepted from individuals, collaborative teams, or design
firms, with prize money being split between the entrants listed. No
additional prize money will be awarded.
We are looking for images that depict Latin American Cinema in an interesting, relevant and visually innovative way that avoids stereotypes and cliches. Entries will be judged using the following criteria:
*Overall impact of the display for eye-catching appeal, visual attractiveness, and its ability to draw the viewer in
*Clarity of the message's demonstration of Latino cinema/film festival
*Appropriateness of the graphics for the festival
We are looking for images that depict Latin American Cinema in an interesting, relevant and visually innovative way that avoids stereotypes and cliches. Entries will be judged using the following criteria:
*Overall impact of the display for eye-catching appeal, visual attractiveness, and its ability to draw the viewer in
*Clarity of the message's demonstration of Latino cinema/film festival
*Appropriateness of the graphics for the festival
*Entries must be mounted on an 8 1/2" w x 11" h board.
In the artwork, be sure to include "19th Annual San Diego Latino Film Festival, March 8-18, 2012" Entries
may be in the form of photography, painting, graphic art, and
illustration, in color or black and white. The design should be easy to
translate into a range of print materials such as 30" x 36" size
posters, newsprint ads, t-shirts, film, street banners, bus
advertisements, etc.
Place your name, address, email and phone number on the back of each submission. All submissions will be judged based on content, appeal and marketability. The decisions of the judges will be final. Media Arts Center San Diego does not take on liability for submissions. Please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like your design(s) to be returned to you.
All submissions become the shared property of the artist and San Diego Latino Film Festival. By submitting an entry, the entrant agrees that San Diego Latino Film Fesitval has permission to use the image for purposes including, but not limited to:
-souvenir programs
-festival badges & tickets
Copyrighted material: Material that is not original or the property of the artist is prohibited.
If your poster design is selected, you will win USD$1,000 and your design will contribute the look of the Festival by appearing on Festival posters, invitations, t-shirts, and much more, providing significant and immeasurable exposure to your artwork/design. Finalists will be announced in mid-December, and the winning poster will be revealed in January 2012 in San Diego. All posters that advance to the final round will be exhibited during the 2012 San Diego Latino Film Festival, March 8-18, 2012.
Send submissions to:
Attn: San Diego Latino Film Festival 2012
2921 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92104-1204
For further information, please contact Media Arts Center San Diego at (619) 230-1938 or email
For further information, please contact Media Arts Center San Diego at (619) 230-1938 or email
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